

目: 棕櫚目 Arecales
科: 棕櫚科 Arecaceae
屬: 刺葵屬 Phoenix
種: 刺葵 P. loureiroi


Found in the lowlands and coastal wastelands throughout Taiwan. Present in the coastal hills of the Hengchun Peninsula, the eastern coast, and various offshore islands.


Shallow-rooted, with a wide root spread that adapts to different soil environments, increasing absorption area.The primary root is not prominent; it mainly consists of a fibrous root system, enabling effective absorption of water and nutrients from the surface soil.


The plant grows to a height of 7-8 meters, with a diameter of 20 cm. The stem is densely covered with noticeable leaf scars, giving it a warty appearance.


Pinnately arranged in four rows, with leaflets extending at right angles from the main petiole. The leaflets are linear, grooved, with sharp tips, entire margins, about 30-40 cm long and 3 cm wide. The side veins are parallel with inconspicuous cross veins, and the leaflets at the base of the main petiole turn into spines.


Dioecious, with small fleshy spike inflorescences initially enclosed in a long oval spathe. The flowers are yellow. Male flowers have 3 tepals and 6 stamens. The ovary of female flowers consists of 3 carpels, 3 chambers, and a 3-lobed stigma. Flowering occurs from March to June.


The fruits are berries, long oval-shaped, about 1.3 cm long and 0.7 cm wide, initially orange, turning black when ripe. They are sweet but have relatively little flesh and are edible.


The seeds are brown, about 1.2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, with a longitudinal slit in the middle.


  • Planted as ornamental trees: Used in parks, gardens, schoolyards, as potted plants, and as street trees.
  • Edible:
    a. Young shoots can be eaten raw after washing, or cooked by stir-frying, boiling, or braising, with braising being particularly recommended.
    b. The black-purple fruits taste like red dates and can be eaten raw or pickled.
  • Brooms: Brooms made from the old leaves are known as "糠榔帚."

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